Tuesday, May 5, 2009

So we finally make it to UVRMC and they are staffed!! yes. Olivia was in the hospital for almost one week. She was really miserable. Every time a nures of a DR. came into the room she would give them the "look", I do not know how to explain it. The only thing that kept Olivia from going nuts is circling the hall 100's of times in their wagon. The staff there was excellent, they would try and entertain her. By the time we had left they had given her books, crayons, a doll and a board game. They sent her home on oxygen because apparently they think she has sleep apnea. I had suspected that for some time know. Moms know best. So know we have an appointment with an ENT @ Primary Childrens. It looks like we will be having surgery this summer! Life never slows down for Olivia.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Olivia gets better really soon! I know how frustrating it is to have a toddler on O2! We are thinking of you.
